Individual Instruction
I offer several classes which I teach in my shop in Hampstead, Md. I offer individual, one-on-one instruction, which I adapt to each student's personal needs and requests. Below I have listed the current class offerings accompanied by a description and cost. I do not run a routine schedule of classes, but instead offer the classes "by request" on a first-come, first-served basis. I also offer "unstructured" instruction so that a student is able to come and get whatever his/her needs may be. I currently teach on weekends and week nights, and you may request to "break-up" your 2 or 4 day class over more than one weekend if your schedule requires it. You must be 18 or over to attend classes at my shop, unless I am able to make an exception due to special circumstances. A Liability Release is required to be signed in order to attend any class. If you wish to schedule a class, please Click the Purchase button associated with the class you want, Contact Me through the "Contact" link, Email Me at CKNT@Verizon.net, or Call Me at 443-604-8297.
Please choose which Class you are interested in below and click on it for more info:
- Time is TBDEd Clarke Knives
- Ed will contact you to schedule your class18325 Upper Beckleysville Rd
- Time is TBDHampstead
- Ed will contact you to schedule your class18325 Upper Beckleysville Rd
- Ed will contact you to schedule your lessonEd Clarke Knives
- Ed will contact you to schedule your lessonEd Clarke Knives
- Time is TBDHampstead
- Ed will contact you to schedule your lessonEd Clarke Knives
- Time is TBDHampstead
- Time is TBDEd Clarke Knives
- Time is TBDHampstead
- Ed will contact you to schedule your class18325 Upper Beckleysville Rd
- Ed will contact you to schedule your classEd Clarke Knives
- Ed will contact you to schedule your classEd Clarke Knives
- Time is TBDEd Clarke Knives
- Ed will contact you to schedule your class18325 Upper Beckleysville Rd
- Ed will contact you to schedule your class18325 Upper Beckleysville Rd
- Time is TBDHampstead

Basic Knife Making 1
This is a 2 day class, during which the basic blacksmithing skills needed to forge a knife blade are taught. NO KNIVES are made in this class, only the skills needed to forge a knife. The student will learn coal forge and propane forge fire management, hammer control and techniques, creation of scrolls, hooks, and other projects as time allows.
Tuition: $640
Materials Fee: $60

Bladesmithing 101
This 2 day class focuses solely on the forging of blades and does not include heat treatment or finishing. This is a great class to really hone some blade forging skills. You will forge as many blades as you wish during this class, learning: Proper forging temperatures, Forming the point, tapering the blade, forming the heel and plunge, drawing the blade bevels, and forging the handle for full and hidden tang knives.
Tuition: $640
Materials Fee: $60
This is a 3 day class, during which the student will forge, rough grind, heat treat, finish grind, and put a handle on a full-tang, guardless knife. This is a very condensed class and will give the student a taste of what it is to forge and complete a knife. Most students leave with a completed knife ready for a sheath.
Tuition: $960
Materials Fee: $110

Bladesmithing 102
2 days of rough grinding, heat treatment, finish grinding, and hand-finishing the blades forged in Bladesmithing 101, or any blades you may have forged on your own. Pre-Forged blades can also be purchased for this class.
Tuition: $640
Materials Fee: $60

Bladesmithing 201
This is a 4 day class, which includes both Bladesmithing 101 & Bladesmithing 102. Taking this combination will qualify you for a $50 discount!
Tuition: $1,280
Materials Fee: $120

Handles & Guards
This is a 2 day class that goes in-depth into the subject of handles & guards. Includes stabilized exotic wood block/scales and choice of guard materials.
Tuition: $640
Materials Fee: $110

Hamons 101
This is a 2 day class in which students will receive in-depth instruction on the techniques used to create beautiful, active Hamons, as well as methods utilized to properly finish and bring-out the best in a Hamon. Students will create and finish a hamon of his/her own design!
Tuition: $640
Materials Fee: $60

Damascus 101
In this 2 day class, Forge welding theory and technique are taught, and the student will create a 1" x 1/4" x 12" bar of his/her own damascus in a basic pattern such as ladder, rain drop, random, etc.!
Tuition: $640
Materials Fee: $110

Sheath Making 101

This 2 day class will include instruction on the creation of both leather and kydex sheaths. This will include instruction on inlays and blade retention as well.
Tuition: $640
Materials Fee: $90